Pick a year, a month, a day, an hour, and a minute. Pick a scandal and that'll be the tiebreaker.
There's enough going to generate a resignation:
1. Bridgeghazi.
Traffic jam to end all four-day backups to Fort Lee streets. Combines with financing issues for two construction projects: The Modern and Hudson Lights. "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee" for the smoking gun. This would be enough of a scandal to sideline most governors -- Christie's response so far established a case for malignant narcissism.
2. Hobokenghazi.
Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer turned over her journal and other documents to the U.S. Attorney’s Office Sunday. She says these show that Governor Christie’s administration threatened to withhold federal Superstorm Sandy aid if she didn’t approve a zoning change for a large development. Zimmer's statement implicates the Lieutenant Governor.
3. SchoolPrivatizationghazi.
School Turnaround Proposal. Christie goes for union busting. "Schools will be freed from the [School D]istrict's collective bargaining agreement and the school's [privatizing] operator will have control over personnel decisions." The rest of the document is a puffy set of excuses for pulling 5% of New Jersey schools out of union contracts. Firing five Principals in Newark is a typical start to privatizing a school. Diane Raditch characterizes Christie's scheme as a "shell game."
4. SpecialEducationghazi.
$43,000 vs. $90,000 for Special Ed slots. That's what Christie's "shell game" has produced privatizing school for New Jersey's Special Ed students. Cost more than doubles going over from New Jersey Education Association members and public Special Ed schools to Christie's friends and their privatized, non-union profit centers.
-- $43,00 was the annual cost to School Boards to educate a heavily disabled, wheelchair bound student.
-- $90,000+ is where this billing stands with the privatized schools. That is the real current billing.
School boards pay $90,000 per student. Land parcels under these closed schools learn how to do the Jersey tango. We're talking 10,000 severely disabled students in NJ. Kids in wheel chairs.
Christie For President 2016 !!
Or pick a year, a month, a day, an hour, and a minute for CC's resignation ! And choose a favorite among the scandals.