I'm not running a poll this time.
A poll requires options and so far there's nothing out there to compete with "Redskins." Put your suggestions in comments, here, and I'll come back and run a poll.
What's a good name for a football team?
One thing you should understand is that "Redskins" wasn't always an insult. Go back 30 or 40 years and the deep red of warrior class natives was admired for legendary bravery. A large majority of native Americans polled that the term was positive.
Nobody names his pro football team for a despised group. Or uses a half-curse pejorative.
The figure on the team logo is one helluva tough-guy stud. If he's the "Redskin" then you can see how there's some misguided sense to mental inertia. Are all the players trying to be like the guy in the logo?
Identifying a good alternative name might enhance chances to get the change.
"Braves.""Chiefs.""Warriors.""Seminoles.""Cherokees." Hell, folks, there's hundreds of high school teams called "Braves." And when the team got named, a "redskin" was a "brave" who spent most of his life out in the sun. A warrior.
Then talk radio came along. All the "borderline" ethnic slang terms were reprogrammed as pejoratives.
"Redskins" should go. "Bullets" went away in favor of "Wizards."
So, let's do them a favor.