Dispatch From a Gettysburg tea party --
Eleven Score and seventeen years ago our White fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Our Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men free, White and 21 are created equal unless they get in trouble.Tea Party visits Gettysburg. The rest of it below the muffin.Now we are engaged in a great civil tea party, testing whether that nation, or any nation as we conceive it and dedicate to it, can stand up to mongoloid Librul hogwash. We are met on a great battle-field of that tea party. We have come to dedicate ourselves to proving this, that: Too much democracy is the problem. Not the solution. That too much health care is equally a problem. It must be rationed and the weak sent quickly to their final resting places. They will have gave up their lives that that nation might live faster, higher and stronger. It is altogether fitting and necessary to the strength of the Race that we do this.